Our Papers
Andrea M. De Rosa
Journal for Clinical Studies, Vol. 4, Issue 4, Ott. 2012, 46-48.
e-CRF Where are promised advantages gone?
Andrea M. De Rosa
SSFA Oggi, 27, V, Ott. 2011.
Andrea M. De Rosa
International Clinical Trials, Summer 2011, 68-70.
What is the future of Data Management?
Andrea M. De Rosa
SSFA Oggi, 20, IV, Ago. 2010.
True and False problems of electronic CRFs
Andrea M. De Rosa
Copyright Air-Tel, - First Edition: 2004 - Second Edition: 2006 - Third Edition: 2009
IT Security and validation
Andrea M. De Rosa
Paper presented at: "Validation of IT Systems for Clinical Data Management and e-CRF"
Milan, Sala Congressi Bayer, September 10th 2007
What technology offers
Andrea M. De Rosa
Paper presented at: "True and False problems of electronic CRFs"
Meeting of the Society for Applied Pharmacological Sciences.
Milan: Sala Congressi Bayer, January 18th 2006;
Rome, Sala Congressi BMS, November 20th 2006
La Sfida delle e-CRF. Abbandonare la carta per la grande Rete
Andrea M. De Rosa
Aboutpharma, 23, Nov. 2004.
e-CRF and current regulatory aspects
Mariangela Iodice, Vittorio Locatelli (President), Andrea M De Rosa (Co-rapporteur)
Thesis of Post-graduate Master’s (level II) degree program in Clinical Research, Preclinical and Clinical Drug Development, Academic year 2008-2009
University of Milan Bicocca, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
Data Cleaning in Clinical Research
Luca Gasparotto, Vittorio Locatelli (President) e Andrea M De Rosa (Co-rapporteur)
Thesis of Post-graduate Master’s (level II) degree program in Clinical Research, Preclinical and Clinical Drug Development, Academic year 2009-2010
University of Milan Bicocca, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
Comparison of Electronic Data Capture with Paper Data Collection in Clinical Research
Alessio Casati, Vittorio Locatelli (President) e Andrea M De Rosa (Co-rapporteur)
Thesis of Post-graduate Master’s (level II) degree program in Clinical Research, Preclinical and Clinical Drug Development, Academic year 2009-2010
University of Milan Bicocca, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
e-CRF: Design and optimization of the Web interface
Antonella Giacinto, Vittorio Locatelli (President) e Andrea M De Rosa (Co-rapporteur)
Thesis of Post-graduate Master’s (level II) degree program in Clinical Research, Preclinical and Clinical Drug Development, Academic year 2009-2010
University of Milan Bicocca, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery

Andrea De Rosa is the founder of Airon Telematica (Air-Tel). He has over 25 years of experience in eCRF design and optimisation. After graduating with a Medical degree, he held positions as a Medical Manager at Roche, Italy and at Roussel Uclaf from 1981 to 1989. In the 1990s, as a founding member of the medical marketing and communication agency, Airon Communication, he began to take advantage of his expertise in information technology to support companies in their transition from traditional to web-based medical information. In 2000, he founded Air-Tel, a company dedicated to supplying eCRF Software as a Service (SaaS) for sponsored and non-profit clinical research.
He is a Lecturer on the Postgraduate Master’s degree programme in Clinical Research, Preclinical and Clinical Drug Development, at Bicocca University, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Milan. Email: a.derosa@airontelematica.com